learning should be more fun and initiative than a burden. If a student learns more smartly, he/she can learn things in less time and effort. Time management and intelligent planning can change your learning method. In the conventional education system, the main focus was on rote memorization and learning facts by heart. However, in the modern education system, there is a shift in the ways of education. To study smarter should be the way forward.
Modern online data facilities like Google and the World Wide Web have made the information on a finger’s push, so there is a clear shift in the erudition. It’s more reliant on learning the mythology of using the content to prove your research instead of the content itself. It’s more like how you put the facts together.
Here are some tips that can help you in studying smarter:
Reading is not study
Reading a book is not studying; instead, the study is an organized way of learning. Some students think that reading and highlighting main points and again memorizing is a smarter way to study. Reading can help you understand a topic, but it does not serve the purpose of the study.
Understand the learning process
Prepare your topic before getting into the lecture room, and it will help you understand the subject, and you are leaping ahead already. Take notes while lecture and highlight the main points, revise afterward. Make figures, diagrams, and flow charts of main points—brainstorm about the topic to broaden your understanding. Watch videos, listen to podcasts related to your subject, or you can consult the library.

Take short breaks
Studies show that our learning span is not more than 20 minutes; after 20 minutes, the brain’s performance gets slower. So take breaks between study times. You can rest, stretch, watch your favorite show, spend time with your loved ones, go for a short walk or make time for your hobby. It will energize your mind to perform better, and you are on your mark.
Learn by teaching
Teaching is the best method of learning. It gives you more insight into the subject. Find some friends to teach about a topic for more clarity of mind. Do group discussion to get more opinions about the case or remind you about missing points.
The silent surrounding is not always a solution
Commonly it is believed that studying in silence makes your mind more efficient. But this is not always the case; sometimes, learning for extended intervals in silence makes you fed up and lonely. So if you are doing a subject that needs less focus, put some audio in the background will keep your mind refreshed. You will feel the difference.
Use multiple methods
If you are stuck with one method of study, make a shift in the learning technique. If you are writing, start reading or watch a video. Or you can listen to a lecture or podcast while gardening. Change your position or ambiance. Open your window light or a scented candle to change your mood. It will give you more serenity.
Be master of your time plan
Thoughtful planning can have your way to success. One way to ensure studying success is to create a solid study schedule. Creating a study schedule, though, can be more complicated than we think. Not only do you have to arrange the topics and courses you need to study for within a definite amount of time, but you also have to rearrange other duties such as family, friends, and entertainment. Ultimately, though, with a little supposed and a little work, you’ll have no problem creating a timetable and meeting all of your academic goals.
Set realistic goals
Temporary goals might include passing an examination in a week, ending up a paper within two weeks, or memorizing a presentation in 8 days. For these tasks, break up your tasks by day. Long-term goals may include entering a particular university, winning a scholarship, or landing a specific work or teaching fellowship. For these, break down your goals by week and also month to make them more achievable.
Ensure you recognize precisely just how much time you have for each of these objectives. Calculate the number of days, weeks, and months are left. What is the target date for college admission, or when are your examinations? A goal is never impossible when you follow the milestones.
By thinking smartly, you can make a difference in your academic life and can mark success.