Are you a few months away from graduation? Then you may find yourself developing your thesis as the last effort to achieve your goals in this part of your life. In general, this work is a key to the academic and professional future of any person, and that is why many students feel intimidated during its preparation, because they have to choose the topic of the study, research, write and support it.
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How to survive the thesis? To fight against nerves and anxiety you can apply some tips that will make the development of the thesis less intimidating. With some smart workong and a lot of concentration, the title should not be impossible. In order to get more ideas about the thesis, do check out edupeet as it’ll help you a lot.
What is a thesis?
A thesis is a research work that is usually carried out at the end of a university career. The thesis expands or deepens in an area of human knowledge, providing a novelty or a critical review, applying what has been learned in the career and using scientific methods.
The thesis is exposed orally and is submitted to scrutiny before a jury. The jury reviews the document of the thesis and the exhibition and decides if the degree in question is granted or not to the supporter.
How to choose the topic of the thesis?
It is a fundamental step to achieve success and achieve the title. According to Universia Peru, in order to choose the right subject it is necessary to analyse your entire career and determine which is the topic or the course where you stood out the most. There you could find the fundamental subject for your thesis.
While it is important to take risks and not lose ambition, remember that your project must be, above all, feasible. To satisfy this requirement, try that the sources and research methodology that you require or plan to implement are accessible and that you are capable of mastering them.
Review other theses, recent publications and online material about your area of studies; solicit suggestions from specialists, whether teachers or future employers; perform a brainstorming with your tutor, your classmates or group (in case you have them), are some mechanisms that you can implement to inspire you and thus facilitate your decision making.
What are the parts of a thesis?
- Conceive the idea of research.
- An approach of the problem.
- Contextual Framework.
- Theoretical framework.
- Definition of the type of investigation.
- Formulation of the hypothesis.
- Research design.
- Selection of the sample.
- Data collection.
- Analysis of the data.
- Preparation of the research report.
- General recommendations
How to prepare a thesis?
Universia Peru presents four fundamental points to elaborate on the thesis, so pay attention so that you can embellish your research with great success.
– Title: The subject to be investigated will be summarized in the title. For this reason, it must be concrete, limited and with a high level of clarity.
– Problem: After the title, place a section indicating the problem to be evaluated or treated, linked to the central theme. When it comes to posing the problem, it is practical to remember that if there is no problem there is no need for study.
– Hypothesis: Within the hypothesis is raised, through one or more arguments, what you think is the problem of your research.
– Methodology: When it comes to mentioning the methodology, you must make it clear which tools you will use. Will you conduct surveys? Will you resort to bibliographic material? Identify how many and which are.
How to defend the thesis?
The time has come to support your thesis, that research work that has taken you many dawns. It is important to know that you cannot extend more than 30 minutes to explain all the work; in addition, you must be entertaining and understandable to the jury.
Use slides to explain your thesis, play with the typeface and combine the background colors. Try to make each sheet visible for a minute or a minute and a half. That is why it is possible to affirm that an ideal presentation should be between 20 and 30 slides.
Within the presentation, it is essential to include the research topic, the content divided by chapters of the work, the hypothesis to be tested, the methodology used. Mention also the most intuitive reasons that prompted you to do the thesis in the first instance.
Practice presenting orally more than once. You can even film yourself doing it to be able to visualize with more clarity which are the faults to correct.
Infographic: Strategies For Writing Better